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On Tuesday, April 16th, there was another Boston album released. Not the album we expected. This was a compilation album.
It's called More Than a Feeling. If you're familiar with the Rock and Roll Band compilation that was relased 4 years ago, you'll recognize the band picture on the cover; it's the exact same one. That's not the only similarity; not some, but all the songs listed are the same as the Rock and Roll Band disc. Even more so, they are in the exact same order. It's already featured at CDNOW.com, amazon.com and other online retailers selling for around $8.00.
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A member of the Boston Bulletin Board spoke to Brad Delp recently and this person asked Brad about the album. Here's what Brad told them:
*The album is in the final stages of mixing (no info regarding title, release date, etc)
*They still don't have a drummer to tour with (there goes my theory on Anthony Citrinite)
*All decisions rest on Tom's lap
*Brad will be raring to go when it's time to tour
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If you've been here before, you probably noticed that things look a little different (actually, things look a lot different). Not only did I get it done on time, but it's up 1 week ahead of schedule (I set the relaunch date for Apr. 15)!
I've completely redesigned this site from scratch. I wanted to make this site more pleasing to the eye, faster to download, more comprehensible, as well as make it easier to get the information you want (like putting the Headlines and the On This Day info on nearly every page).
If you have any comments or suggestions, you can email me.
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This info is from the HybridIceFans list:
It has been four years since the name Hybrid Ice has appeared on a marquis. And over a decade since some of the former members have appeared on stage. Now, the original members of the Hybrid Ice who recorded the self-titled debut and "No Rules" albums have gotten back together to give their fans what they have been asking for, for many years...more live performances.
The lineup includes Rick Klinger, Rusty Foulke, Jeff Willoughby, Bob Richardson, Chris Alburger and we are very pleased to announce that Bernie Garzio (who joined the band in 1996) has agreed to be part of the Hybrid Ice Reunion as well.
The Danville PA based band achieved Top 5 regional chart status with the song "Magdelene," shortly after it's release in 1982. A second album "No Rules" was released in 1988. In 1994, the rock group "Boston" re-recorded the song "Magdelene" and propelled it to international status selling in excess of one million copies. The band continued to perform with various personnel changes until July 1998. In June 2000 a British record label, Escape, released the group's first album on CD. The band also released their own Limited Edition CD of the same album weeks later. Rumors of a reunion started to surface at that time. But personal scheduling conflicts quashed the possibility of a reunion then.
Rehearsals for this year's reunion began several weeks ago and all involved have reported things are going very well. One group member told us,"The spark is back and everything feels good. It's great to be working with these guys again."
Some venue locations have been booked with the determinant factors being geographic location to be able cover a sampling of the area they once performed. And by size of the venue itself to be able to accommodate as many fans as possible in each location. As of this writing, the following shows have been CONFIRMED:
Saturday, May 18 - Pepper's Lounge at the Briar Creek Sports Complex, Berwick PA
Saturday, May 25 - Thunderdome, Baltimore MD
Saturday, June 1 - Shakey's, Hershey PA
Saturday, June 8 - TJ's Clubhouse, Lock Haven PA
Saturday, July 13 - Washie's, Danville PA
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If you go to Escape Music's website, at the bottom of the page, you can see that Alliance (a band Gary Pihl's involved in) is working another album that should be out late summer. So far, there's no word at Robert Berry's website, but I'll post more info when it becomes available.
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Boston signed to Artemis Records on March 6, 2000 and they've finally been listed under the artists at Artemis Records website. They didn't put anything new there. Here's what they put under the Boston section:
March 6, 2000, New York -- Artemis Records has just signed a recording deal with Boston, the legendary rock group behind one of the fastest and best-selling debut albums in history. This announcement was made today by Danny Goldberg, President and CEO, Artemis Records/Sheridan Square Entertainment.
The new album, currently untitled, will feature original members Tom Scholz and Brad Delp and is described by Mr. Scholz as "...a marriage of alternative influence with unmistakable, classic Boston style."
Said Mr. Goldberg upon the announcement: "Signing Boston is a milestone for our label. Words cannot express how excited we are by Tom's new music."
Commented Mr. Scholz upon the announcement: "This is the most excited I've been since Irving Azoff got himself into a lawsuit with CBS by deciding to release Third Stage in 1986."
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January 31st marks the birthday of Boston drummer (former drummer now I guess) Curly Smith. Happy Birthday Curly!
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I got in contact with Kimberley Dahme's personal assistant, and it appears that Kimberley has done some work on Boston's new album.
This raises the question as to whether or not she's part of the band. Unfortunatelly Kimberley's assistant was unable to give me an answer to that question as of yet (so speculate whatever you so desire!). Personally, I really hope she's in the band :) So, there is that possibility that she could be among those in the lineup listed in one of the Jan.01 posts in this page.
Make sure to visit her website at http://www.kimberleydahme.com
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Just a reminder that Beatle Juice will be performing a benefit show on January 12th in Portsmouth, NH supporting the Sexual Assault Support Services.
Beatle Juice is also the cover story in the Jan. 03 issue of Showcase magazine. You can see the article at Foster's Online.
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If you read the previous post regarding the controversy over the performance at the Fiesta Bowl, you'll know what I'm talking about. It seems that someone at ESPN decided to jump on the bandwagon and wrote an editorial regarding it. It wasn't very pleasant either...
The article is at
Notice that his email address is at the bottom of the page; if you feel like giving your $0.02 on the article. Just in case you want that email address right away, it's This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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I got a surprise when I checked my email; a message from Kimberley Dahme. Here is what she wrote:
I'm honored to say I'm singing backup on the new Boston album (which is such a great album I must say! Tom Scholz is a generous and a great person) and I'm thrilled to have had the chance to play the National Anthem with them Jan. 1st, 2002. As it is now, if that was all I ever have the chance to do with them,,, my dreams have come true. But we'll have to wait and see....
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I found out today through official channels that the drummer at the Fiesta Bowl was Anthony Citrinite. And I looked around at Kimberley Dahme's website and by the looks of it, she was only in for the Fiesta Bowl performance (in other words, a one time gig). Since she has at least one other gig booked elsewhere this month (according to her website).
That would mean that Antonio Cosmo is probably the permanent bass player in the band, but just filled in on guitar for the New Year's gig (this is just my speculation and not official info). Of course, that would probably mean that the tentative lineup of the band is (and this is just my speculation):
Tom Scholz
Brad Delp (vocals/guitar)
Fran Cosmo (vocals/guitar)
Anthony Cosmo (bass)
Gary Pihl (guitar)
Anthony Citrinite (drums)
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It seems that Boston's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner has caused quite a stir. It seems that there are some people who are outraged by the rendition of the national anthem, calling it a "disgrace" and an "outrage". After the anthem, there was an outpour of anger on the Fiesta Bowl message board (the posts have since been removed, however, new posts have emerged).
According to officials for the Fiesta Bowl, phones have been ringing off the hook with an outpour of complaints, but they stand by their decision to have Boston perform the anthem stating they have "done things just a little bit different than other bowl games"
(source: Phoenix360.com)
**Note: Check the post from Jan. 04 regarding an editorial on the controverial performance.
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The world watched today as Boston performed the Star Spangled Banner live at the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. The Fiesta bowl aired live at 4:30pm EST on ABC (and also TSN in Canada).
If you missed the performance, don't worry. You can see the performance 24/7 in the Screening Room. You can also see some screen shots in the Pics section.
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If you saw the performance @ The Fiesta Bowl, you may have noticed that there were 7 people performing on stage. One of them (playing guitar) was Antonio Cosmo (Fran's son).
There's also a new drummer (I don't know what happened to Curly), and there was a female bass player. By the looks of things, the bass player was Kimberley Dahme. I don't know if she's in the band permamently or just filled in for the one show, but I'll post more information as it becomes available to me.
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It looks like the band is getting ready for the Fiesta Bowl. Even though they're performing the instrumental version of Star Spangled Banner, the entire band is involved with it (which means Brad Delp and Fran Cosmo are participating despite the fact that they won't be singing).
The whole band has spent the last few days rehearsing, and will continue to do so until the event (they'll even be having a dress rehearsal, from what I hear).
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It looks like the pre-game ceremonies are set for 2:20pm MST (with the kickoff @ 2:50pm).
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What'cha doin' New Years Day (besides recovering from New Year's Eve!)? You better make yourself prepared to catch the Fiesta Bowl. Why? Because Boston will be playing the Star Spangled Banner LIVE! This'll be Boston's first live television appearance (that I know of). As for the time, I've seen 3 different times (8pm MST; 3pm MST; 2:30pm MST). I'll keep looking for more details, and when I find them, you can be sure to find them right here!
The official Fiesta Bowl website is available at:
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Thursday, November 29th marks the birthday of former Boston guitarist Barry Goudreau. Happy birthday Barry!
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Have any plans for January 12, 2002? You may want to keep your calendar open for this...
BeatleJuice brings their amazing re-creation of all of your favorite Beatles songs to The Music Hall for one special evening. A rare seacoast appearance by these amazing musicians benefits the Sexual Assault Support Service's Children's Education and Prevention Programs.
Led by multi-platinum award winning singer Brad Delp of the band BOSTON, this all star lineup is sure to get your heads bobbing and feet tapping in this special all ages show. It's all Beatles music, all night. Close your eyes and you'll swear that it's The Fab Four on stage!
Tickets are now on sale, but this show's expected to sell out quickly. It all happens Saturday, January 12, 2002 @ 8:00pm.
To order tickets online:
or Call The Music Hall Box Office at: (603) 436-2400
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Wednesday, November 21st marks the birthday of Boston guitarist Gary Pihl. Happy birthday Gary!
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(from MelodicRock.com)
Escape Music is currently working on the Boston Tribute Album. Featuring a host of vocal talents including: Terry Brock (Sign, Strangeways) Tony O' Hara (Praying Mantis), Peter Sundell (Grand Illusion), Chris Ousey (Heartland, The Distance, Virginia Wolf), Darcy Deutsch (Prism, Pokerface) & Steve Overland (FM).
Also with Steve Morris (Heartland) on guitar, Tommy Denander (Radioactive), Mike Walsh guitar and Hammond Organ (Departure) Don Airey on keyboard and Kenny Kaos on guitar, Frank Baker on drums and Dave Hopia on bass. Including many other guest musicians. The album will be ready early next year.
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MTM; the label that RTZ's Lost album was released on, is putting together a 2-disc compilation CD with the proceeds going to those affected by last week's disaster. RTZ appears on the second disc. As of this time, I do not know when this will be released or where it'll be available.
Here's the track listing:
CD 1
1. BAD HABIT - Forever
2. DARE - Still In Love With You
3. METROPOLIS - The Power Of The Night
4. KHARMA - Wings Of History
5. RADIOACTIVE - Haunt Me Tonight
6. THINK OUT LOUD - Invisible Man
7. AXE - Love Changes Everything
8. JOE LYNN TURNER - Can't Face Another Night
9. DAVID CARL BAND - Arms Of Love
10. PUBLIC DOMAIN - Child In My Heart
11. HARLAN CAGE - As You Are
12. SUNSHINE JIVE - Under Summer Skies
13. RANSOM - Can You Fall In Love Again
14. CITA - Two Hearts
15. 101 SOUTH - Boat Out On The Water
CD 2
1. SNAKES & PARADISE - Trail Back Home
2. BRIAN MC DONALD - The Hope One Child Can Bring
3. VON GROOVE - The Damage Is Done
4. FERGIE FREDERIKSEN - The Truth Is Good Enough
5. VELOCITY - Janine
6. FIORE - Corner Of My Mind
7. RTZ - Turn This Love Around
8. JADED HEART - Champion
9. JIMMY LAWRENCE - Test Of Time
11. HOUSE OF SHAKIRA - Nearly Orgasmic
12. DOUG HOWARD - Hold Up The Sky
14. DANGER DANGER - She's Gone
15. CIRCLE OF PAIN - Imagine
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(Update from Boston.org discussion list)
The band BOSTON has announced that they are donating $10,000 to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Along with the check, the following note is being sent:
Enclosed is a $10,000 donation from the band BOSTON and the DTS Charitable Foundation to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
Our hearts go out to the victims and their families and friends in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, along with our sincere thanks to your people for helping when and where it's most needed.
Respectfully, Tom Scholz
The Boston.org will be donating $200.00 to the American Red Cross Diseaster Relief Fund. Below is a partial list of organizations that is helping the victims to date. We will be dealing with this tragedy for a 'Long Time'. Please do consider donating blood or money over the course of time, either locally or nationally. Blood will always be needed.
As taken from the CNN.com Homepage:
Emergency response/relief efforts: . The American Red Cross is in need of blood to replenish the nation's supply. Call 1-800-HELP-NOW to schedule an appointment near where you live.
Donations to:
American National Red Cross
430 17th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
The New York Blood Center has also announced a blood emergency for the greater New York/New Jersey metropolitan area. Visit http://www.nybloodcenter.org for more information on how to help. . For more information on helping victims of the U.S. attacks, visit Helping.org: http://helping.org/promos/cs_wtc.adp
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If you run a Boston fan site, you may be familiar with the Rock Band Boston Webring. For the last 5 years, the ring's been run by Jody Wager. That's changed as of today.
Over the last couple of months, we've exchanged emails and she told me she wanted to find someone else to take it over. I gladly volunteered to assume responsibility for it. I am now the ringmaster for The Rock Band Boston Webring.
If you have a Boston site that is in the webring, you'll need to get the latest html code to insert. I have relinked to my webring page and I've redesigned the interface (mostly cosmetic changes). There are 2 different interfaces to choose from (they are similar except one uses a regular image, while the other uses Flash animation (nothing too extravagant). To pick thich one you want, go to the webring page.
If you have any questions regarding the webring, please email me (just click on Contact Me).
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(Thanks to Bob Shields for the info)
For those who missed the original broadcast of Space Ghost Coast to Coast where Boston was featured, you have another chance to see it. The Cartoon Network will be rebroadcasting that episode on Sep. 27 @ 11:30EDT. The episode is called Curling Flower Space, and it originally aired Nov. 19/99. If you get the Cartoon Network, be sure not to miss it!
For more details regarding Space Ghost, visit the Cartoon Network's Space Ghost page.
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The WZLX: From The Vaults CD has been officially closed out. Here's the following statement released:
"The project has now been officially closed out, although people can still order the CD through newbury.com as Newbury Comics sells off its remaining stock."
"The reported net profit was a bit over $25,000 and was split between The Walden Woods Project and Franciscan Children's Hospital."
"Thanks to all who bought a copy!"
For those who don't know what this CD is about, it was released late last year. It features live tracks from quite a few artists, one of the tracks is a live version of Boston's Livin' For You.