The June 8 Jam! Showbiz article talks with Artemis Records CEO Danny Goldberg (as youy may or may not know, Artemis is Boston's new record label). While there's not a whole lot of insight into the album, there are a couple of points Goldberg made:

"They are about three-quarters of the way done. We have six mixes in house, four more to go. The other four songs, the rough tracks are done,"

"I don't want to jinx it by saying when it is going to come out. But it is awfully close to being finished."

To read the entire article, just go here.

June 1, 2001 marks the 2nd anniversary of the official launch of Third Stage: A New World. This site has reached just under 30,000 hits within that time and has seen 3 different domains and many changes/additions.

I want to thank everybody who's supported me and this site, thanks to those who've passed on Boston tidbits (especially Becky Asbury, who has passed on more than a few!).

A special thanks goes to all past and present members of Boston. Without you, there would be no Boston, and this site wouldn't be here

It seems that as of late, there is more awareness of the fact that Boston is working on another album. From what I'm hearing, more radio stations are making mention of the new album. There was also a blurb at, but if you read the posting above this one, you'll see it's been...changed.

Let's hope that Boston will get lots of promotion for this album (whenever Tom gets it done).

I paid a visit to and was surprised to see that the blurb they had about the new Boston songs was replaced with the following statement regarding (posted under the May 19 section):

Thanks go to the few tired and frustrated Boston fans that e-mailed me with news that the 2 preview tracks have been on the Boston site since mid last year. No thanks go to the Boston webmasters who are misleading fans and non-regular visitors to the site with the news page carrying the May 2001 date. I have attempted to contact the band and management to no avail. The tone of all the Boston e-mails sent to me were the same - very frustrated and despondent.

As of May 30th, posted a note clarifying the fact the songs are the same version played on Rockline. has released better quality versions of Someone and Turn It Off. They're both from the Rockline interview (Recorded January 13, 1999), so you won't hear anything different production-wise, but they're better than the 24Kbps 11KHz versions originally available (the new mp3 files are 128Kbps, 44.1KHz).

To download them, go to the What's New section.

I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to former Boston bass player David Sikes. Hope you're celebrating safely :)

(thanks Becky!)

If anyone out there was wondering if Tom and the band were still working on the album, the answer is YES!

In fact, Tom's been working through the weekends and having many sleepless nights trying to finish the album.

It is unknown as to the album title, song listings, or even when it'll be released, but he's still working hard on getting it done.

Tom very much appreciates all the fans, and knows how patiently everyone is waiting.

March 26th marks the 52nd birthday of Boston's original bass player Fran Sheehan. Hope Fran will be PARTYing on this day!

March 10/01 marks Tom Scholz's 54th birthday. Happy birthday Tom, I hope you enjoy your day!

No, Curly Smith did NOT leave the band, he is releasing his first SOLO album. It's titled Cool Blue Cosmic Gem. It'll be released Tuesday, Feb. 27/01. You can get more info (and an interview with Curly) at