On June 01, 2007 - the eighth anniversary the birth of this site, I am pleased to unveil a completely new look for thirdstage.ca. A lot has changed over the past eight years, but this is more than just a new design.

If you've been visiting this site since the early days, you may have noticed that it has undergone many design changes over the years. Truth be told, I've never been overly happy with any of them. I have to say though that I'm happier with this than I have been with any other prior change. 

What you see here is the most massive change to this site since its launch on June 1, 1999. Until recently, the site was constructed using standard HTML markup, in which every page had to be manually created and uploaded. Now, this site uses a content management system, allowing me more control since the content is separate from the actual design. It also allows more flexibility on what content is displayed, for example, latest news items now appear on the front page very simply, I'm able to use extensions and other components to further enhance the site.

I decided when I was reworking the site to keep the general layout close to what the previous version to make it easier to find what you're looking for. By the way, this site now has search capability. I have also transferred over all the 200+ news postings dating back to June 1999 to this site, so you can see all the news that's ever been posted here. 

I hope you like the changes made to this site, if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to let me know. By the way, don't be surprised if you see some changes appear on the site; I am always trying to improve the experience of thirdstage.ca. So if you see any screw-ups, please let me know since I'm not likely to pick up on it for a long time!
