If you've visited this site in the last day or so, you probably noticed that the site would load poorly - or not at all. For over a day, most attempts to access this site would bring up the following error:
403.9 Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected

This was happening Monday afternoon, evening and early Tuesday morning. A trouble ticket was sent to my webhost Tuesday evening and within a couple hours, the site was working like magic.

After years of mediocre service from Elosoft (aka "NextWebHosting"), I've come to a decision -- this site needs a new home, and soon.

If you would like to help cover the costs of moving this site to a new, and hopefully better web host, you can donate using the link below. If you don't have a PayPal account, they do accept credit cards. If you don't have a credit card and would like to contribute another way, please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.